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Multi-source heat pump
1.Product Nomenclature

2.Multi Source Heat Pump &Chiller
2-1.General description
Multi surce heat pump & chiler combine the water cooled and air cooled heat pump for the space heating,cooling and water heater into a single unit,which can be used in all season without stop.The Multi source heat pump &chiller can ahsorb heat or cool allow from air or water,providing chiled or hot water at the same time.The equipment running in the whole year,pay dividengs for the capit cost.

We used famous band name of scroll or screw type compressors, for the heart of chiller.which are much higher efficiency, quiet,simpleoperation and longer life time than traditional reciprocating compressors.
The shell and tube type heat exchanger is compliance to China pressure vessel production standard GB150/GB151, and is inspectedby the Quality inspection department and the goverment officals.They are design by software program and best quality high efficiency finned copper tube and steel,we consider the water fouling coefficient and best pressure drop performance,and the chillers equip withimported expansion valve, solenoid valve,dryer and fiters, to maintain the best performance of the unit.
The coil of the multi source heat pump & chilleris made of high quality copper tube and aluminum fins. The seamless copper tubes are expanded to the aluminum fins by mechanical method.The cross flow design of refrigerant cause better heat transfer.The low air resistance and good anti-corrosion fins, provided better heat transfer and longer life times.

Scroll Type Compressor

Screw Type Compressor
2-3.Control system
We used micro-processor for the PID logic controlsit has more accurate temperature control;programmable step control with effective power and unning load monitoring thus lower the operating cost.
The selection button,LCD screen.Chinese or English options with list type display, more convenient for operation.
Control function:The control program have direct control setting pointreal time running data refreshsystem monitoring,operation data storage and system fail record list checking.
Display function:The control can display start procedure.alam signal.history alarm recordrunning hourset point and relative data.
Options:The unit have options of remote control,group control and CCMS central control
Extend function:We introduced the powerful extend function in the control moduleDifferent communication mo dule can be added for client request like;Fiel busLon worksModbus RS485B; acnet IP;FTP;HTTP.

Programmable Controllers
2-4.Protection devise
Check valve:To prevent the exhaust gas flow back to the compressor.
Phase protection:To avoid the compressor rotated reverse.
Oil heater: Heated the lubrication oil when the compressor stopped,avoid bubble fomed during compressor starte. Overheat protection: Prevent the compressor over heated.
Exhaust gas over heat protection:Prevent the compressor exhaust gas over heat.
safety valve:The safety valve installed on the condenser,when the exhaust pressure or the condenser pressure exceed the presel pressure,the safetyvalve wil open and release the gas to prevent abnommal pressure build up.
Highlow pressure protection:Usina professional pressure sensorprotect the system running within the operation range,provided more accurate and safe system control.
Anti-freeze protection: To avoid the evaporator water outlet free zed.
Overload protection:When the incoming voitage fluctuated or over current running in the circuit the overload relay will be cutoff and stopped the compressor.
Data protection: The user password which protect the chiller running safe
2-5.Operating Principle

Cooling Only
Cooling mode it reject the heat by the outdoor as the air cooled chiller provide chilled waterSuitable for the summer cooling and without regain of hot water.
Heating Only
Heating mode, it absorb heat from the outdoor unit, like as the air source heat pump provide hot water only Suitable in winter heating for hot water in air conditioning or domestic used.

HighCooling & HighHeating
High cooling and high heatingmode,it provide the chilled water and hot water at the same timelike as water cooled chiller and water source heatpumpSuitable in summer required chilled water and large amount of hot domestic water.
High Cooling & Low Heating
High cooling and low heating modeit provide the chilledwater and hot water at the same time like as air cooled heat reclaim chiller Suitable in summer required chilled water and small amount of hot domestic water.

Low Cooling &High Heating
Low cooling and high heating mode,it provide the chilledwater and hot water at the same time like as heat pump with cooling.Suitable in spring required hot water and small amount of cooling.
2-7.Installation and maintenance
1. Chiller installation
1.1 To avoid the chiller corrodedplease provide the concrete plinth and loor drains.Secure the chiller by screwand installed horizontall
1.2 Cold Magic chiller used famous compressor which is low noise level and vibration. Please installed the chiller with the rubber pad (thicker than 20mm)to maintain the unit horizontally.
1.3 Ensure the units have enough space for cooling
2. Water piping
2.1 When the chller water pipe connected to the chiller please referred to the standard air-conditionina water pipe connection method
2.2 For the water pipe system required water pumpflexible jointvalvesfiterflowswitchpressure gaugethermometer by pass valve and expansion tank.The flow switch please referred to the circuit diagram inside the control panel.
3. Electrical wiring
3.1 Please select the cable with 20% extra capacity The unit have the phase protection devise,so please check the wirina connection
3.2 The control panel and safety devise had been testedplease don't dismantle or change the wiring circuit.Please replace with the original model for the out of order parts.
3.3 Our unit was tested before delivery please connected the water pipe and power cable for T&C.Follow our supervisor's instruction for the T&C work
4.1 Shell and tube type evaporator and condenser after operated a periodthe water side will form the scale on the copper tube.which required cleaning to remove the scaleThe scale is depended on the water quality,and requested skill work for the cleaning. It is avoided to use corrosivehigh temperature and steam to clean the aluminum fins.
4.2 During daily observation the unit's water circulation,pressure gauge,evaporating temperature,inlet and outlet temperature must
check without abnormal reading.otherwise stop the unit and check the alarm,unless it may cause damage.
4.3 Cold magic chiller have 12 month waranty(exclude misusing the unit or man-made faul/damage)Our company have the after sales service provided the fast.immediately and best services
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- Multi-source heat pump
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Guangdong Cold Magic Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.